Monday 14 May 2012

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

L-R Posy pic number 1!, My den in the loft finally finished, posy pic number 2  (necklace, rings, bag and vest tops= primark, cardi = internacionale) , the BEST licence plate ever, and an attempted posy shot whilst in slobby clothes mid-assignment!

A lot has happened in the space of a very short time! Apologies for being so very un-bloggerish by not blogging any of it! In my defence, it has been my finals at University, so I deserve a light slap on the wrist at the worst! ;)

Firstly, I'm in the 'don't I scrub it well' mode, because I've worn nothing but my pj's or work uniform for the last 2 weeks. Hence the very posy pictures! However, this is fleeting, and I'm quickly getting back into old, more negative, habits, which isn't great. For example, I've just spent the past half an hour on a virtual makeover site, because I am SO fed up with my hair. I could literally rant for another 1000 words about the hatred I hold for my hair. It just never falls/sit/looks right, and EVERY time I go to the hairdressers they somehow make it worse. So, I hate the routine of choosing a hairstyle and then having to choose a hairdresser. I just want to chop it all off and go platinum, maybe that'l shut me up...right?! Well I've got an appointment tomorrow at the hairdressers, and I'm contemplating a long bob. EEK.

Whilst I'm ranting, can anyone suggest a decent eyeliner? Preferably gel that lasts a decent amount of time? I have a loreal one and it is pants, it creases all day and I just end up looking like a goth. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated because I feel a tad naked without my eyeliner!

Despite not having time to write my own blogs for the past few weeks, I have been having a good old nosey at others, and it is safe to say, in between all of my assignments,  I have thought 'oh I better get my self one of those!' so many times my wishlist must total somewhere near a grand! ha. Although, I have squeezed in a couple of very good primark hauls recently (now I have more time on my hands from not being at uni I'l do posts on my regular primark hauls!), I'm really loving their stuff at the minute! The best purchase I have made from there however, has got to be a handbag organiser for 3 quid!! Gone are the days of 'damn, its in my other bag!!", as I can just transfer the organiser between each bag with everything I need - perfect excuse for more bags!

Anyways, I'm going to trawl the internet for another hour looking at hair style suggestions...wish me luck for tomorrow's haircut!


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