Wednesday 18 April 2012

Rainy days

I'm going to be terribly British right now, but what is WITH this weather? It's so bloody miserable and cold I hate it! The only thing I hate worse than being cold, is being cold and hungry (I've just had a sarnie so hopefully no-one will have to feel my wrath!). 

I've descended into the basement of the uni library to keep warm and dry, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get some work done. We'll see. 

Despite the weather, I have persevered and worn a bright pink pleated shirt which I love! It formed part of my excessive (for a student budget) spending spree in Primark the other day, but it was only a tenner! Plus I wore the necklace which I wrote about yesterday. The jacket is from, and although the lining in one of the sleeves is dodgy, I love it and can't stop wearing it!! Speaking of, I went into Ark clothing before uni today (To try and find an umbrella, promise!!), and found the exact same top in there for 13 quid that I bought from for 8! Just a heads up :) 

Anyway, just a quickie today. Seen as today as one of the two days that I'm not in my horrible work uniform, I thought I'd make the most and post some pics! Although, I do have rain hair in the pics, gutted. 

Off to do some real uni work now, and then off to morrisons to do my grandma's shopping, oh this is the life!


  1. I love your blazer, pink shirt and the little camera necklace : ) And rain hair?! your hair looks lovely!
    Whenever I go into my university's library I NEVER get anything done, I always end up just surfing the internet lol.
    P.S. I'm coming to England in June for study abroad (for just a month :/ ! ) and I can't wait to go shopping in primark and say stuff like 'it was just a tenner!'

    1. Thank you my lovely, your comment made me smile! I was just having a conversation with my other half about the camera necklace, he said he really didn't get why I love it so much "a camera, with a clock in it, i don't get it?!", haa men!
      Primark has some right bargains in, and a lot of the stuff is bang on trend too which I love. But obviously some of it is a bit tacky, and not as greatly made as somewhere more expensive, but as I'm always skint beggers can't be choosers!
      Just looked at your blog, its my DREAM to go to New York, honestly I'm so jealous right now!!

  2. loving the colour of the skirt

  3. i agree -- being cold and hungry is absolutely the worst feeling. i get hangry, which is like being hungry and angry at the same time, and i end up killing innocent people. not good :( ha ha!
    ugly weather also makes me not want to do work. it makes me want to sit around and browse blogs all day (like i'm doing now. ha!) i guess sunny weather makes me very unmotivated to do any sort of work either.
    lovely blog, by the way! hope to hear from you soon :)
    take care!


    1. I love that, Hangry! Def sums up how I end up feeling! I let the weather and my tummy excessively control my moods ha.
      Hope you manage to get some work done!
      And thanks, I'm back now after a stint away which consisted of horrendous amounts of university work!
      Hope you're well :)
      Hannah x
