Wednesday 11 April 2012

My heart will go on

You'll have to forgive me, but I'm very emotional this evening, having just got in from seeing Titanic in 3D. A-maz-ing! Absolutely loved it, despite having already seen it 100 times. I know, I know, it's a commercial gimmick designed to get more money out of people. But I don't care. Everything just seemed so much more tragic, romantic, heartbreaking, beautiful, and emotional in 3D. Or maybe it was just the massive cinema screen and epic surround sound. Either way, definitely 7 quid well spent.

The downside however, is that I have finally realised after well over a decade, that Celine Dion can sing "my heart will go on" much better than me. I wish I had figured this out earlier, to save the shame of a very embarrassing video that has popped up on YouTube of my new years eve rendition to the in laws. I kid you not.

Oh, and I've decided the kind of route I want to go with this blog. Well, "route" sounds formal, I think my whole idea is for it to be very informal... I've got 4 weeks left at university, and I am absolutely terrified at what the future holds for me. I've got so many aspirations, hopes and dreams (Wensleydale, anyone?) and I just have no idea what the next part of my life is going to be. So, I thought it'd be great to have a blog as somewhere to document the journey ahead of me, a place to laugh about my life, cry about it or just plain vent about it! But, it definitely wont all be serious! I'l be hoping to use the blog as a place to, what I'm wearing, what I'm buying (When my bank card allows!) and what I'm lusting over (this list will be longer than the buying list, much to my dismay obviously).

Once again, I've gone on a tangent. Its very late, and I'm going to listen to "my heart will go on" one last time just to double check Celine hits all the notes!

Night x

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