Tuesday 17 April 2012


It has been a very stressful past few days for various reasons, but I think I've come out of it a bit stronger so all's well on the home front! 

I haven't been up to a great deal, just work work, oh and more work! I was going to go for an interview for a promotion at another store (I work in retail), however I decided to turn it down just because it was so far away and I wouldn't have been able to afford it! 

I had a very naughty spending spree in Primark the other day, I spent £62! BUT, I did come home with TWO bags full of stuff, so I reckon it's justifiable...they have some really nice stock in at the minute, and it was nice and quiet so I didn't have to walk with my elbows out trying to barge my way through! Thankfully! I will post pics of my goodies when I get chance. I am absolutely in love with a necklace I got from there, it is a vintage camera with a working clock in the lens, only 4 squid! Bet it cost more to make! (probably not...but still I am in love). 

I started back at university this week, and I am now officially in my lest semester. OH MY GOD. I could actually vomit, it's terrifying. I feel like one of those guys in Shawshank Redemption who are so institutionalised that they can't cope on the "outside". I am pretty sure, however, that it's not going to result in my untimely demise. Fingers crossed. (It's a brilliant film, worth watching!) . There is another startling coincidence between my life at university and those locked up in a horrible American prison for the rest of their lives. Surely not I hear you ask. Oh yes! I have just found out, one of my lecturers is a police officer. This makes my studies even more terrifying!! 

On a lighter note...(how did I go from talking about Primark to talking about suicide?!), I am in desperate need for my hair cutting, but I absolutely hate getting it done. No-one ever does it right, no matter how much money I throw at them! Also, I want to dip dye my hair, but definitely can't afford to get it done at a salon...so reckon it's going to be a DIY job. 

I really should get on with this essay...I seem to only post an entry whenever I'm procrastinating, not good! I am going to try and post pics etc and more entries, it's just I've got such a crap camera/phone, and I am ridiculously busy at the minute, so might take me a while to get into the swing of things!


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