Wednesday 18 April 2012

Rainy days

I'm going to be terribly British right now, but what is WITH this weather? It's so bloody miserable and cold I hate it! The only thing I hate worse than being cold, is being cold and hungry (I've just had a sarnie so hopefully no-one will have to feel my wrath!). 

I've descended into the basement of the uni library to keep warm and dry, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get some work done. We'll see. 

Despite the weather, I have persevered and worn a bright pink pleated shirt which I love! It formed part of my excessive (for a student budget) spending spree in Primark the other day, but it was only a tenner! Plus I wore the necklace which I wrote about yesterday. The jacket is from, and although the lining in one of the sleeves is dodgy, I love it and can't stop wearing it!! Speaking of, I went into Ark clothing before uni today (To try and find an umbrella, promise!!), and found the exact same top in there for 13 quid that I bought from for 8! Just a heads up :) 

Anyway, just a quickie today. Seen as today as one of the two days that I'm not in my horrible work uniform, I thought I'd make the most and post some pics! Although, I do have rain hair in the pics, gutted. 

Off to do some real uni work now, and then off to morrisons to do my grandma's shopping, oh this is the life!

Tuesday 17 April 2012


It has been a very stressful past few days for various reasons, but I think I've come out of it a bit stronger so all's well on the home front! 

I haven't been up to a great deal, just work work, oh and more work! I was going to go for an interview for a promotion at another store (I work in retail), however I decided to turn it down just because it was so far away and I wouldn't have been able to afford it! 

I had a very naughty spending spree in Primark the other day, I spent £62! BUT, I did come home with TWO bags full of stuff, so I reckon it's justifiable...they have some really nice stock in at the minute, and it was nice and quiet so I didn't have to walk with my elbows out trying to barge my way through! Thankfully! I will post pics of my goodies when I get chance. I am absolutely in love with a necklace I got from there, it is a vintage camera with a working clock in the lens, only 4 squid! Bet it cost more to make! (probably not...but still I am in love). 

I started back at university this week, and I am now officially in my lest semester. OH MY GOD. I could actually vomit, it's terrifying. I feel like one of those guys in Shawshank Redemption who are so institutionalised that they can't cope on the "outside". I am pretty sure, however, that it's not going to result in my untimely demise. Fingers crossed. (It's a brilliant film, worth watching!) . There is another startling coincidence between my life at university and those locked up in a horrible American prison for the rest of their lives. Surely not I hear you ask. Oh yes! I have just found out, one of my lecturers is a police officer. This makes my studies even more terrifying!! 

On a lighter note...(how did I go from talking about Primark to talking about suicide?!), I am in desperate need for my hair cutting, but I absolutely hate getting it done. No-one ever does it right, no matter how much money I throw at them! Also, I want to dip dye my hair, but definitely can't afford to get it done at a reckon it's going to be a DIY job. 

I really should get on with this essay...I seem to only post an entry whenever I'm procrastinating, not good! I am going to try and post pics etc and more entries, it's just I've got such a crap camera/phone, and I am ridiculously busy at the minute, so might take me a while to get into the swing of things!


Wednesday 11 April 2012

My heart will go on

You'll have to forgive me, but I'm very emotional this evening, having just got in from seeing Titanic in 3D. A-maz-ing! Absolutely loved it, despite having already seen it 100 times. I know, I know, it's a commercial gimmick designed to get more money out of people. But I don't care. Everything just seemed so much more tragic, romantic, heartbreaking, beautiful, and emotional in 3D. Or maybe it was just the massive cinema screen and epic surround sound. Either way, definitely 7 quid well spent.

The downside however, is that I have finally realised after well over a decade, that Celine Dion can sing "my heart will go on" much better than me. I wish I had figured this out earlier, to save the shame of a very embarrassing video that has popped up on YouTube of my new years eve rendition to the in laws. I kid you not.

Oh, and I've decided the kind of route I want to go with this blog. Well, "route" sounds formal, I think my whole idea is for it to be very informal... I've got 4 weeks left at university, and I am absolutely terrified at what the future holds for me. I've got so many aspirations, hopes and dreams (Wensleydale, anyone?) and I just have no idea what the next part of my life is going to be. So, I thought it'd be great to have a blog as somewhere to document the journey ahead of me, a place to laugh about my life, cry about it or just plain vent about it! But, it definitely wont all be serious! I'l be hoping to use the blog as a place to, what I'm wearing, what I'm buying (When my bank card allows!) and what I'm lusting over (this list will be longer than the buying list, much to my dismay obviously).

Once again, I've gone on a tangent. Its very late, and I'm going to listen to "my heart will go on" one last time just to double check Celine hits all the notes!

Night x

Monday 9 April 2012

Procrastination is Key!

Well, instead of actually kick starting an essay on gender equality and development, here I am writing my first blog post. Procrastination win!
I must admit I’m a little confused at the whole concept of blogs…’back in my day’ we had little hard back diaries, which were kept under (a very flimsy, and easily cracked) lock and key underneath a mattress. True, such diaries did not offer complete peace of mind in regards to security – too many times little girls have screamed the house down after finding their brother reading their diary with as much enjoyment as when they’re watching Power rangers. Then, with the popularity of the internet came online diaries, where the grown up little girls could carry on spilling their guts out for the entire world to see.
And now, we have blogs. ‘Blog’ doesn’t conjure up the same images as ‘diary’. No longer do I imagine a little girl with pigtails, crying over the horrible smelly boy who told her she was silly. No, when I was first introduced to blogs, I pictured a fashionable bunch who like to parade how much more fashionable they were than the rest of us folk. And then I read some. And I’ve been hooked ever since! For a while I’ve wanted to start my own…but for various reasons it took a lot for me to pluck up the courage!

A)     In the back of my head, a tiny bit of me feels like I might not quite fit in. Im not uber fashionable and I don’t have the money to buy goodies on a weekly basis (although I am constantly updating my wishlist basket). So, I didn’t really figure I’d have much of interest to talk about!
B)      I knew that to fill this void I’d probably have to be a bit more personal – i.e. a bit more Bridget Jones! Yet I’ve not really seen many blogs that do this. Is it taboo? Would I better off on an online diary website?
C)      Even if I made one…who would be interested?!

Anyways, to cut a long story short (trust me, I can talk for bloody England!), I have decided to take the plunge and start my own! To keep my first entry as short and sweet as possible I’ll leave it here, and will talk a bit more about myself and what I plan on using this blog for next time!
Now I REALLY must get back to this essay…whilst keeping one eye on prison break. Naughty.
Happy Easter, Ta Ra for now!

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